Some posts here will be quick points that may be expanded into multiple posts. This will be one of those posts. Photography has changed the way I live and how I see the world and I don’t think I can do it justice in a single post (or it would be a massive post!). If I remember, I will update this to link out to expanded posts.
Consider this a table of contents, a draft of future posts, or seeing the inwards of my mind.
At first, I felt more perceptive when I have a camera in my hand. Now it’s something I do with or without the camera.
With portraits, events, sports, art, product, animal, and other photography, it’s nearly impossible to be bored with photography.
Organize chaos
As a lover of logistics and processes, I love getting deeper into how organizations work. Organizations can be couples, families, sports teams, operational teams, and wildlife.
I take hundreds or thousands of photos per event. I love distilling it to a select few to tell a powerful story. This is has helped in my PM career as well.
No matter the type of photography, I found lessons that I could apply to my life. It can be technical skills, ways to grow, how to get in a specific mindset, how to love, and so much more.
I’m incredibly lucky to have photography as a passion. I never want to forget how fortunate I am to photograph the things I do.
I use photography as a tool to connect with people around me.
If there is anything you think I missed and/or want my perspective on, please let me know!