
The strongest person I know. She switches teams because she thinks it's unfair that someone else is spending more time in a more dangerous environment. She drives head on to infectious disease not knowing what was ahead.
I have no clue what is going through her head. Somehow she fights through all the stress and anxiety. It's like deep inside she knows that she will come out at the end of the tunnel a stronger woman. And why shouldn't she? That's all she knows. That's what she works so hard for.
Even before this period of COVID-19, I couldn't comprehend how emotionally draining her work is. And I still can't and I don't think many can. Sometimes it's difficult often to mentally handle personal problems; she's dealing with all her problems plus many many strangers every day. And to her friends in the hospital whoever thinks "Wow, Matt is super quiet", most of the time, I'm just in awe of all of you (or I completely lost understanding five minutes ago).
And if all that wasn't enough, Vivian continuously pushes me to be better. Though she has been discouraged by my lack of cooking habits, she hasn't given up.
Being strong doesn't mean she doesn't get her rest though. She sleeps like a rock when the stress dies down. Yeah, she can be messy; leaving socks here and there. But isn't that excusable because of everything else she takes on? (Vivian, this is not making it okay to leave socks everywhere!)
People often wonder how I can be so optimistic about people during these times. In addition to those around me in my life, Vivian makes that easy (whether that be a good thing, I'll let you decide).
I wrote this mainly to think out what I've been feeling because I'm often terrible at expressing my emotions verbally. "Writing is refined thinking". I also don't want to forget some intimate details that will be easily lost in what I expect to be an extraordinary life with Vivian. Also, Vivian deserves praise!