
There's nothing like planning a vacation. It's even more entertaining when there are absolutely no details worked out; this includes the people and location. A few friends have proposed the concept of taking a vacation without any idea of places to go. I always state that I'll go "Anywhere"; but it turns out that there is no such place in the world surprisingly. Let's quite the dilemma to be in.
It's extremely difficult to plan something without any base so that's exactly what we need. Being very clever and taking advantage of my friends' interests, I thought that Google I/O, Google's annual developer conference, would be perfect. What is more beautiful than taking a break to go to San Francisco in May? While the price of the conference may seem high, I think it would be worth the experience and the Google goodies bound to be given out. And the cost of the airline tickets would be worth the cost of visiting a good friend.
I'm so excited just the thought of attending the conference! Just look at what may be presented: Android Key Lime Pie, maybe the first real Motorola phone with Google, Google TV (if it wants to still relevant), Chrome OS, and of course the influential Google Glass. I'm so excited for Glass that I'm definitely willing to pay $1500 for it; the experience seems to be amazing! The possibilities are limitless! Of course I entered the #ifihadglass contest just to have the opportunity to buy Google Glass for $1500. It's crazy how Google can create a product that it can hold a contest to just have a chance to purchase it... (Apple who?) For those who have aspirations, like me, to attend, registation is on March 13th at 10AM EST; it is sure to sell out ridiculously fast!
Other vacations to be considered: Paris, London, and Washington D.C. I've never been to Europe before! While I've been to the nation's capital before, I've never really appreciated it especially since I was just a toddler taking a tours with my parents of the federal government buildings. Now, I want to see where all the magic (or the lack of) happens. Maybe I'll give a few rants on education change and healthcare change (those have been grinding my gears lately and I would love to discuss these topics with anyone). I'm sure the city will be upbeat with the sequestration and all!
Will you be I/O?