Things Engineers Like: Building a Super Star Destroyer

For Christmas, my lovely siblings bought me a Star Wars Super Star Destroyer LEGO set (Just what I wanted!). And a couple weekends ago, I had the opportunity to put the LEGO set together (and the government wouldn't build a Death Star). 3152 pieces, ~12 hours, 1 weekend, 1 mission, and 1 man (and 1 man's best friend, beagle). So here it is:
It was a pleasurable experience! (If you want a longer version of the time-lapse, I'll be happy to supply it to you) The most strenuous aspect of the entire process was definitely finding the LEGO piece that was needed at the time especially with the little desk space I had. The instructions were surprisingly detailed and found it perfect for the set even though there was not even a single word to read. But now that I finished, it's taking about an eighth of my entire room. I can't wait to compare the Super Star Destroyer to the T-6 Jedi Shuttle we got our little cousin for Christmas!
Here are some pictures of the building process: