The Cold

Yesterday was a beautiful day (for football)! Electra even read the outside temperature at 83 degrees Fahrenheit. Today, the temperature at noon was about 50 degrees Fahrenheit. I guess the saying about New England, "If you don't like the weather, just wait a second", is applicable to Indiana too!
Last night, the apartment was like sauna without the unique small; instead it was the smell of delectable brownies. So naturally, I slept with the windows open. I woke up in a pleasantly cold cigarette-free smelling free! So chilly that my nipples were hard! I guess you could say it was a tit bit nipply.
While it's amazing to wake up to a crisp fall morning, the high temperature drop from day to day shouldn't be close to 30 degrees; it just messes up with the body. It just taking a steaming hot shower and getting out. It's can also be like getting out of a pool. The body gets freezing and reacts in the same way in each situation (Men and women differently). As George Costanza displayed:
"I was in the pool! I was in the pool!"
Something I learned today: You can be scared to death but you can die from pure happiness. Once a man bowled a 300 and said "I waited my life to bowl a 300, I can die now" and then he died.
The NHL games have be cancelled through November; that's not a Halloween scare either. It's the truth.