State of Matt (2019 Reflection/2020 Aspirations)
The Intro
As I prepare for my holiday card, as one does, I tend to reflect on how my year went and often incorporate some of the themes in the card. Upon reflection, I couldn't believe so much of what I did earlier in the year was 2019.
The Reflection
This year was probably the first year in my life where I went months without having a full weekend of nothing planned. I didn't understand how people could be so busy all the time. Now I sort of get it. Some people need accommodations for their schedules, particularly ones without much flexibility. Though, I still believe that people can find time for the important things in life.
It's been a fulfilling year in many aspects of life. At work, we've been going through a critical transition to change the culture and environment we work in. In my personal life, I've been embraced by new friends and family and existing friends and family. It is because of everyone around me that my year was so satisfying.
Photography has expanded what I see in the world and it has given me the opportunity to be in people's lives which I would never encounter without it. I'm still figuring what I want from photography, but I'm certainly enjoying the journey.
I've traveled throughout the year to celebrate and vacation with friends and family. Indianapolis, Puerto Rico, Minnesota, Seattle, Vancouver, Maine, Vermont, New York, Los Angeles, Detroit. Those trips were memorable and I don't know if I can best it next year. (That's the thing about having such a great year... How does one 1-up it in the upcoming year?).
Some things didn't change; for better or worse. I'm still stuck listening Hamilton, but at least I've added the Crazy Rich Asians soundtrack to my routine? To be honest, most of what I've been listening to have been audiobooks (still on that nonfiction grind). I've been in my own bubble and have lost much of what has been happening in present culture.
One special person had made this year particularly amazing. She has been with me through the stressful times (this year has more stressful than previous years) and been there for the joyful moments (often, she was the reason they were joyful). I've learned so much from her. She is loving, empathic, intelligent. I'm so lucky to have her in my life. She is my Lifesaver.
As for the goal of "New Year. Better Me", I think I've easily met that goal because of everyone around me. These people have motivated me to be a better person and supported me. From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you (you all know who you are).
The Vision
As I look at 2020, I know I won't have perfect vision (get it???). But I will continue to improve myself and continue to learn as much as I can. I am hoping that writing these will keep me accountable while letting you know so you can support me as well (I mean, if you've read this far, you probably care about me...)
In the immediate future, I hope to:
Clean out the podcasts I don't listen to anymore on Pocket Casts. Maybe I'll pick up some new ones!
Settle into my new place and make it cozy
Catch up with more current music (sorry Hamilton...)
Clean up my desktop and photograph collection on my hard drive
As with many of my CVS Health colleagues, I'm excited to try our best to help patients on their path to better health; I'm so grateful to have the opportunity to do so. I hope to improve on an individual level as a product manager and continue to bring the change to make a more significant difference as a team.
Slowly make improvements to my new place. I've been watching a ton of This Old House; how do I become more handy? (There will probably be a dedicated post related to this)
Eat better. This would include cooking more (e.g. dinners, egg tarts, macarons), less fast food, and eating less meat. This has recently started with making our own smoothies and even making my own ice cream!
Exercise more.
As with previous years, I continue to be more intentional, set proper enthusiasm/expectations, have strong opinions weakly held, set priorities, and continue to improve upon myself.