Some posts here will be quick points that may be expanded into multiple posts. This will be one of those posts. Being a partner to a doctor has changed my life and perspective and I don’t think I can do it justice in a single post (or it would be a massive post!). If I remember, I will update this to link out to expanded posts.
Consider this a table of contents, a draft of future posts, or seeing the inwards of my mind.
I met my wife during her intern year (1st) of her medical residency in Rhode Island (Smallest State, Biggest Heart). I wouldn’t recommend this for most people. But here are some things that may be helpful for others to understand.
I’ll try to describe a doctor’s journey from a not in medicine perspective.
Dating/Relationships during residency
Know precisely what you’re going into. Do research and talk to people who are going through or went through residency (along with their partners).
Loans. PGY salaries. Not all doctors make surgeon salaries after training.
If there is anything you think I missed and want my perspective, please let me know!
Or refer this to someone who would enjoy reading this!