Bow Ties.

When going to a formal event, the question always looms about what should be worn. First, is a suit/jacket required? Then whether you should wear a necktie or bow tie or neither. Then, you have to choose the colors of each particular clothes item. And for a color blind person with little sense of style, I have much trouble with organizing it all. I find it the best to just wait as late as possible to decide on ready and prepare last minute too. This method almost backfired yesterday as I thought my Jiffy Garment Steamer was broken. But it turns out the circuit breaker cut off power to the outlet including my refrigerator. Too bad I didn't get a chance to turn on the circuit breaker until this morning... Everything in the freezer is ruined!
Bow ties have made a huge comeback in the past few years. In Justin Timberlake's "Suit and Tie", Justin is wearing a bow tie and not a neck tie. According to Marv, when you ask "Necktie or Bow Tie?", the answer is always "Bow Tie". At the wedding yesterday, Scott and I were the only bow tie wearers among the sea of neckties. I wonder how neckties became more popular than bow ties. Neckties are harder to tie (depending on the type of knot) and clumsier than bow ties because of the length (especially for eating). But the bow ties have become a symbol of confidence and in today's society, the bow tie has become the odd one out.
While I don't expect to attend many formal events in the near future, I would like to explore the world of suspenders and cufflinks. It's the next step of expanding my fashion experience. I still remember the first time I wore my clip-on necktie with a baseball design. But before than that and even before I can remember, I wore bow ties.