Feels Awkward
Every time I leave my hotel room, work, or any other time I do my third point pocket check for my belongings, I freak out for a half of a second since I don't carry around my car keys and other things on my faded freshman UConn Huskies lanyard. I must say it would feel good to remove the necessity of the lanyard (and wallet) with technology. One of the major concerns with the replacement would be battery life of devices; battery life still has yet to improve much in the cell phone market.
When I entered my hotel coming back from a visit from Cambridge to see my brother, I instantly realized something was off about my wallet. My primary credit card was not in its place! After about a second of nervousness, I realized I had left it at the last place I saw it. You know, that place that everyone tells you to check when you lose anything. Well, for me, I am 90% sure that it's at the restaurant we went to.
While walking in Cambridge, the density of the population was more prevalent to me than usual. With the construction, walkers, and bikers, I felt somewhat homesick for the wide spaces that Fort Wayne provides. And with the number of the restaurants so here, I would always have a difficult time deciding where to eat and wouldn't make a selection until my hunger wins over anything else. And by the time the food comes to the table, I would be passed the point of max hunger.