Joys of a New Car

Sadly, this blog wasn't started early enough to document my purchase of Electra, my first and only car. She only had eight miles when I drove her off the lot. I moved to Fort Wayne, IN with only a suitcase and had to rent a car for transportation until I bought my own car. My requirements for the car wasn't complicated: New, dependable, fuel efficient, and had a moonroof. The moonroof wasn't necessary but I felt I would get something the inner-kid in me wanted. I laid my eyes on her and fell in love. (The picture above was that same day! Of course, I shared it with my close friends and family)
It's been over three years since that day but I was reminded of it today when a friend bought herself a new car. It's a tremendous feeling being handed the keys as the owner of a new car. She was so happy that it spread to me instantly. It's probably the second most pricey purchase you'll have in a lifetime behind a house. I think the emotions seem particularly high because the dealership and its salesmen (women) drive your energy level to near zero with negotiations and the massive amounts of paperwork. And for some people (not me), this purchase was a result of weeks of research and running around to various dealerships.
The first dent is the deepest. I think a popular country once sang that. But up to that point, you'll appreciate its beauty and its pristine condition; cherish it while you can because it'll never be the same. But once that first dent/scratch is imprinted, you will be in a much more relaxed mindset. It builds character!
I'm grateful to say Electra is still in amazing condition!