Prom Season
Yup, you may be surprised that of all people that I, Matthew TW Huang, would write about prom. This is unthinkable as I can only fabricate the prom experience in my head since I actually have never been to one. I've heard the same dull reaction to this fact every time there is a prom conversation: "I can't believe you didn't go to your prom" and then they ask why. The reason: No one asked me!
But to the present prom situation. Prom dresses are getting more expensive and the average prom proposal create disappointment because of expectations created by over-the-top Youtube proposals (just like marriage proposals). But corsages are not dead!
That's right! KFC is now invading the prom industry. No longer will people be hungry during their "biggest night of their lives". I'm not sure how much the average price of a corsage is but I'm betting that the $20 KFC corsage is an amazing deal (customization to original, extra crispy, or grilled chicken). But unfortunately, it is currently out of stock.
Finally, design meets functionality!