Building A Sith Interceptor
It may have been the start of a tradition when my siblings gifted me my Super Star Destroyer. This year, my sister bought me the Sith Fur-class Interceptor. I had the pleasure of building it this afternoon in about 2.5 hours; it was significantly smaller than the Super Star Destroyer. While recommended for ages 9-14, I find building LEGOs relaxing and a great finish to the work week! It's similar to the enjoyment of puzzling.
Here's the low quality time lapse of the building process (I either need a new webcam or a new computer):

For comparison and showing off my growing collection:

There was one LEGO "piece" that I was puzzled about:

Any guesses? Well, after a minute, I realized it was a neat LEGO separator! I was surprised it was in this kit but not the set that had more than ten times the number of pieces in the Super Star Destroyer.