23 or 24

Many have asked which is better, #23 and #24.Was Michael Jordan better in his time than Kobe Bryant in his?
After #23, came #24. Logically. #23 had six championships while #24 has five and counting. Jordan has stated that Kobe could beat him in their primes; Jordan said, "He (Kobe) steals all my moves". Both are considered one of the best during their time period (and in the history of the game). But those time periods are extremely different. Kobe learned from the greatness it saw from Jordan on the court and had to admire what MJ had done in his career. While everyone compared the two players and put pressure on Kobe to achieve what Jordan had, Kobe played his own game.
Both players had excellent coaching from the same man. Jordan had Pippen; Kobe had Fisher. The similarities can go on and on but the differences are enough to distinguish themselves. What will #24 bring? Well, maybe a title or two to achieve what #23 couldn't. This, of course, will not diminish the greatness that was #23.