Dream Journal

Every now and then, I have dreams during my sleep like the majority of the people I know. I'm certain that some of the events that occur in those dreams do eventually emerge into reality; it's a situation of the awareness of deja vu. But a greater number of dreams don't present themselves in real life. I'm considering starting a dream journal to have a recollection of them especially for the ones that successfully predict the future; it would be proof! Though documenting the dreams may void them from becoming reality.
I know a few people who possess a dream journal already and I'm convinced that numerous others do it in secret too. For me, it wouldn't be a daily occurrence but it would probably be a few a week. In order to remain extremely transparent to the world, I may post all my dreams in a weekly post on this blog. Dreams are sometimes considered to be similar to drunk words; and you know what they say about drunk words: "Drunk words are sober thoughts". A dream journal could be quite dangerous as people can analyze my dream in many different ways. I'm sure you would analyze my dreams as well as Dogbert has in the comic above. It would be another method of getting into my head; and more importantly, you'll be more suited to answer "What would Matthew TW Huang think?" in your life.
Do you keep a dream journal?