What's My Name?

My name is Matthew TW Huang. You can call me Matt, TW, T-Dubs, or even Lil' Huang (Bringing the old school nickname back!). I wish I could walk around and everyone would know my name. That's why I think everyone should where name tags all the time!
The world would be a much better place with name tags. I'm not saying you have to put your full name on it but at least a name you would respond to. There would be no more time introducing people's names anymore or even introducing your name anymore. No more pressure to remember the names of ten people you just got introduced to. And there will be no more "Let's try to figure out their name" game because you forgot or didn't hear their name in their introduction (OR more awkward, asking what their name is after having a long conversation with them). And introducing yourself to someone would be much easier if you knew their name (No more having to senselessly give out your name to everyone). Any awkwardness would be gone!
Tonight, I played volleyball in league a bunch of us joined. It would have been superb if everyone wore name tags. Since there's not much time for introductions like the professionals (where they throw mini volleyballs into the crowd), name tags would be the second best thing to do. It would great to say "Great dig *Insert Name Here*!" or "I just phone-booth-ed the crap out of *Insert Name Here*!" I feel like it's significantly more delightful when people compliment me using my name.
Think about it, to get better service at restaurants/stores, employees wear name tags. As I stated before, it's takes the awkwardness out of getting someone's attention by using their name (No more guessing what their name is!). I feel if you know someone's name, it's easier to approach him or her. This would make this world a friendlier place. It certainly works at Raytheon; especially for the first few months since getting to know many names can be tough.
And for people in the dating game, think about how much easier to make a "move" or introduction if everyone wore a name tag?
So let's start a trend! Let's all buy name tags and wear them daily! Any recommendations for types of name tags are welcome and encouraged.
The squareroot of 69 is 8 something right? Cause I've been trying to work it out AWWWW?
Ohh na na, what's my name?