A Festivus for the Rest of Us!

On December 23rd, the best holiday of all holidays is celebrated. As everyone knows, it is the day of Festivus. A Festivus for the rest of us. Created and made famous by Frank Costanza in Seinfeld. The holiday is celebrated with an aluminum pole (great strength to weight ratio without the distraction of tinsel) as picture on top of this post.
I cannot wait to celebrate Festivus with all my college buddies and friends! First will be the Festivus Feast. With tons of delicious food and beer with great conversation with friends! Then, my favorite part about Festivus, the Airing of Grievances will occur. Where people tell other people how they have disappointed them throughout the year. Where someone can tell someone else problems they have with each other (Hopefully without repercussion).
Then, there will be tons of more celebrating and such. The end of the celebrations will come with the Feats of Strength. Where Festivus only officially ends when someone gets pinned in a wrestling match.
Hopefully there will be multiple Festivus Miracles to be had on this wonderful journey. I hope everyone has a great Festivus! Happy Festivus to all and all a good night!